August 19, 2011
Hey Hey!!

MAC has the loveliest collection of blushes, EVER! With that, it would make my stomach go inside and out for how much they cost! So, on my many voyages to makeup stores and testing products... I found a dupe for one of their most popular blushes! Oh it makes me so happy to share!

These two blushes are practically identical.. with the exception of ONE THING, MAC's blush is CLEARLY more expensive! Why pay more if you can get the same thing FOR LESS?! $19.50 compared to $3.00... you tell me!! AHHHHH DUPES ARE MY FAV!!



Nora said...

Love these posts!! :D


Lindsey said...

Oh LC, you hvae no idea how obsessed I am with elf. Literally I only wear a few things that aren't elf now and once I run out of those things, I will be buying the elf counter part. THE BRAND IS AMAZING!!!!

Max-E said...

I love elf products & the fact that they're so affordable. Thanks for sharing :)

Miranda said...

I have a couple of the studio blushes and love them!!! I tried to get this one but it was sold out :(

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway :)

I'm a new follower as well ♥

Your blog is super cute by the way!

Pink Swoon looks awesome.


Love that shade of pink! I bet it looks so good on you!

Unknown said...

i love both these, nd love ur blog. hope u can follow back

Pink Glam said...

I just saw this post LOL! I have been looking for a dupe for pink swoon, but didnt know what to get.. so im glad I just saw this!


Make your anger so expensive no one can afford it. Make your happiness so cheap people can almost get it for free!
